On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 12:29 PM, Georgy Yakovlev <y...@sysdump.net> wrote:
> On Tuesday, May 22, 2018 9:36:17 AM PDT Michał Górny wrote:
>> Hi, everyone.
>> With some delay, I would like to officially announce that the Council
>> has approved the direction in which 17.1 amd64 profiles are heading at
>> its 2018-04-08 meeting [1].
>> [3]:https://bugs.gentoo.org/506276
> This eselect-mesa bug[1] needs at least some hacky workaround treatment before
> final and proper eselect solution is implemented.
> It breaks opengl/graphics stack in a really sneaky way as nothing gets
> eselected and absolutely no errors produced or displayed.
> sddm breaks, and some other X/OpenGL features do not work.
> I have a patch from the bugreport in  /etc/portage/patches for now, but
> it takes users a while to figure it out why X11 or mesa was partially broken.
> Can this bug be given some priority treatment?
> This will provide much smoother profile switch experience for desktop users.
> Rest of LIBDIR bugs break software/build in a more obvious way and easy do
> detect and work around or fix.
> [1]:https://bugs.gentoo.org/486712
> --
> Georgy.

I just dropped eselect-mesa support from media-libs/mesa -- see bug

I'll be giving it last rites after Mesa 18.1 is stabilized. Go forth and test :)

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