2018-01-11 17:27 GMT+01:00 Aaron W. Swenson <titanof...@gentoo.org>:

> This time with a version constrain that should allow this to expire at
> some point in the future.
> Title: GnuCash 2.7+ Breaking Change
> Author: Aaron W. Swenson <titanof...@gentoo.org>
> Posted: 2018-01-11
> Revision: 1
> News-Item-Format: 2.0
> Display-If-Installed: <app-office/gnucash-4
> Along with changes to use modern libraries, GnuCash 2.7+ has changed the
> schema [1] it uses for both databases and files. GnuCash will
> automatically modify the file or database in place upon open.
> Therefore, it is imperative that you back up any files or databases
> before using GnuCash 2.7 in case you run into an issue and want or need
> to revert back to 2.6.
> Instructions for backing up are as follows:
> For XML (plain files):
> $ cp /path/to/file.gnucash /path/to/file.gnucash.bak
> For MySQL:
> $ mysqldump gnucash_db | mysql gnucash_db_bak
> For PostgreSQL:
> $ createdb -U dbadmin -T gnucash_db -O gnucash_user gnucash_db_bak
> For SQLite:
> $ cp /path/to/gnucash/sqlite.file.gnucash /path/to/gnucash/sqlite.file.
> gnucash.bak
> [1] https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/releases/tag/2.7.0a

It could be wise to close GnuCash before backup, also the choice of
creating a copy of the database is a bit unusual, an offline backup may be
more appropriated, example for mysql:
mysqldump gnucash_db | xz > gnucash-2.6.sql.xz

It's ok to leave restore instruction out, since those are usually easy to
find and spending more time with it does not hurt

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