On 01/10/2018 05:18 PM, James Le Cuirot wrote:
> The init script used to call chown/chmod -R, which is
> obviously bad. I've compromised by only calling these on the
> directories themselves (ignoring symlinks). I believe this is safe
> because it's not possible to create hard linked directories these days?
> Would you agree?

Are you still using chown and chmod? If so, you should switch to
checkpath -- chown and chmod don't even try to avoid hard links. I would
be surprised to see a "chown" or "chmod" in an init script that can't be
replaced by something better.

The race condition that we're talking about here is trying to squeeze
the last 1% of security out of checkpath; it's already much safer than

For example, if your script is calling chown and chmod on two
directories /foo and /foo/bar, then whoever owns /foo can kill /foo/bar
entirely and replace it with a hard link to /etc/passwd. When the
service restarts, chown and chmod won't care that you think /foo/bar
should be a directory instead.

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