On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 3:33 PM, Patrick Lauer <patr...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> On 12/17/17 19:39, Mike Gilbert wrote:
>> On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 8:21 AM, Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>>> Hello, everyone.
>>> It's my pleasure to announce that with a majority vote the QA team has
>>> accepted a new policy. The accepted wording is:
>>>   Total size of 'files' subdirectory of a package should not be larger
>>>   than 32 KiB. If the package needs more auxiliary files, they should
>>>   be put into SRC_URI e.g. via tarballs.
>>> (the total size being computed as a sum of apparent file sizes)
>>> The relevant policy vote is finishing at bug #633758 [1]. The CI reports
>>>  [2] were updated to report packages whose 'files' directories exceed
>>> 64 KiB, to avoid adding many new warnings at once. The limit will
>>> be lowered down to 32 KiB as packages are fixed to comply with the new
>>> policy.
>>> At the same time, I would like to explicitly remind developers that
>>> the spirit of the policy is 'do not let "files" grow large', not 'make
>>> sure you're one byte less than 32769.' Do not argue that your package
>>> exceeds the limit only by few bytes -- even if it gets close to the
>>> limit, then it means it's way too large.
>> I just want to voice my opinion on this: as a developer, this policy
>> is a royal pain in the ass.
>> I would ask the council to please increase this limit to at least 100
>> KiB, preferably more.
> As a user I would like to ask everyone involved to stick to the 32kB
> limit so that we (as in everyone) don't have to fetch megabytes of
> patches we'll never use, just because someone was lazy.

According to Francesco's numbers, that represents a small fraction of
the space used by a repository. A typical user won't even notice it.

Call me lazy if you like, but I prefer to let the computer do slightly
more work if it saves me several minutes every time I want to push out
a patch.

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