On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 7:07 AM, Aaron W. Swenson <titanof...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> On 2017-12-14 13:58, Kent Fredric wrote:
>> On Wed, 13 Dec 2017 21:58:05 +0100
>> Slightly modified suggestion:
>> Add a flag called "autostabilize" with [unset], [y], [n]
>> Default is 'unset', and if found unset after a given time, it flips to
>> y and the stable bot gets queued up.
>> If its set to 'n', then stable bot never does anything.
>> This way maintainers who want to rush the stablebot on things they
>> consider "safe" can get ahead of the queue.
> Well, we kind of have that already with “Runtime testing required” (RTR).
> RTR=no stablereqs are good candidates for automation.
> If everything has been properly handled in the ebuild, then an emerge
> should succeed. And, RTR being set to “No” indicates that there aren’t any
> tests to perform other than those defined and handled within the ebuild.

I'm not sure runtime testing is the only use case for preventing

The example of KDE/Gnome was brought up where large number of packages
need to be stabilized at the same time.  I'm not sure this is actually
a factor that should prevent auto-stabilization, since these packages
should have the correct dependencies and the stabilization system
would definitely need to be dependency-aware (which would lead to them
being stabilized as a group automatically).  If these require runtime
testing then they fall into the existing use case.

Does anybody actually have a reason to prevent stabilization other
than for runtime testing, assuming that stabilization is done in a
manner where all dependencies are satisfied at all times?

Maybe runtime testing really ought to be the only reason to prevent
auto stabilization...


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