Ühel kenal päeval, P, 22.10.2017 kell 21:41, kirjutas Geaaru:
> Hi,
> i'm trying to review some docker image based of Stage3 systemd image
> for Sabayon Os. I see that currently also when it is used
> default/linux/amd64/13.0/systemd profile there is a dependency to
> openrc package.
> This means that on daily gentoo-stage3-systemd image /sbin/init
> binary
> is not a link to systemd service.
> I think that this is result of the dependency to sys-apps/openrc
> inside
> file  /usr/portage/profiles/base/packages.
> So, my first question is why dependency to openrc is not inserted to
> a
> specific profile and so when is configured a systemd profile is
> possible prepare a pure systemd environment without openrc package ?
> Maybe, the main reason could be related to a problem on describe this
> on ebuild ? Because if openrc is not present is preferable sysv-utils
> use flag ?
> For both arm and amd64 I remove automatically this dependency after
> portage sync to rebuild a pure systemd environment and I haven't
> issues.
> I know that another workaround about this is configure kernel init
> option to force use of systemd binary but this is not possible for
> docker/lxc/lxd image without force lxc.cmd.init option.

USE=sysv-utils seems to just be to use systemd halt/poweroff etc
binaries/symlinks, instead of sysvinit. It also happens to provide a
/sbin/init symlink, as otherwise none would exist (as with that USE,
sysvinit is blocked from being installed). All the documentation says
to set init kernel command line, or use dracut, with which systemd
already starts on its own or something. E.g,

If for docker you need something else, you can consider migrating the
images to USE=sysvinit, which can be troublesome if you need to keep
openrc for dependency resolution (I believe the work towards gentoo-
functions for non-openrc gentoo stuff is ongoing and hopefully soon
fully finished), or maybe you use dracut there too as initramfs, so it
presumably wouldn't matter, if that doc is right?
Or there's something to improve in packages for this use case, but this
might be easier once gentoo-functions is fully baked..


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