Kent Fredric posted on Sun, 15 Oct 2017 06:36:34 +1300 as excerpted:

> On Thu, 12 Oct 2017 07:50:38 +0000 (UTC)
> Duncan <> wrote:
>> Wow.  How'd you ever get a backlog of 400 packages in your depclean
>> list,
>> including critical ones you know you want to keep?   These days portage
>> even strongly suggests running depclean after an --update @world, in
>> part to avoid such huge and confusing backlogs when it is run.
> I maintain perl ... so ... that can happen within a week *easily*,
> depending what I test-install. :)
> On my chroot, I had a 1900 package depclean the other day that took 2
> hours to run.
> And yes, this was actually due to me going "oh, right, this box is going
> to need to upgrade Perl soon, I should depclean *before* I sync to make
> my life easier".
> Welp.

Perl maintainer... after seeing the number of new packages, often 2X due 
to virtuals as well, that the recent perl upgrade brought me...

Understood, now. =8^0

Tho a 1900-package-depclean... let's just say I'm glad you're doing it, 
not me, because I'm not sure /what/ I'd do with that, only that I'd 
probably not want to /touch/ anything sysadmin related for probably a 
month, after that!

I can also imagine doing something drastic like hourly depcleans, if 
that's what it too, too, after dealing with a 1900-pkg-depclean!  Yikes!

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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