W dniu nie, 17.09.2017 o godzinie 12∶12 +0300, użytkownik Andrew
Savchenko napisał:
> On Sun, 17 Sep 2017 02:56:08 +0700 Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov wrote:
> > Hi there!
> > 
> > Every time I switch from mastering service on my work (Ubuntu-powered) to 
> > my 
> > own server farm (Gentoo powered) I'm going a bit frustrated: Ubuntu (with 
> > all 
> > my hate to many other things in it) has nice user-friendly way of managing 
> > services: you can freely call any of `service <servicename> action` 
> > irrelevant 
> > to which init-system is currently in use. Will it be systemd, or (whatever 
> > there is alternative there). `service` wrapper will detect it anyway and 
> > will 
> > do the proper things (forward it to either systemd or another service 
> > manager).
> > 
> > I'd like to suggest to remove `service` widget from openrc and make it the 
> > part of (which package? baselayout?)? Here is a pseudocode of how I see it:
> > 
> > ```
> > servicename=${1}
> > action=${2}
> > 
> > if in_systemd; then
> >     systemctl "${action}" "${servicename}"
> > else
> >     rc-service "${servicename}" "${action}"
> > fi
> > ```
> > 
> > Well, actually, there may be some more logic (for example, instance units 
> > (`unit@instance` in `systemd` vs `unit.instance` in openrc), "enable" 
> > action 
> > (forward it to `rc-update add` for `openrc`, probably) and maybe some more.
> > But anyway, the conception is something like that.
> > 
> > 
> > What do you think about that?
> https://xkcd.com/927/
> We will create even more confusion for Gentoo users with one more
> tool to do the same stuff.
> Of course you are free to implement some separate wrapper package,
> but it must be completely optional, since some users will have no
> use for it including myself.
> Really, unifying distributions is futile. We will have either the
> same and only distribution (to rule them all) or an attempt will
> fail. The same way you can try to unify emerge and apt tools via
> some wrapper manager.

Fun fact: systemd was created to unify distributions in one init system.

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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