El 16/08/17 a las 18:01, Duncan escribió:
> Francisco Blas Izquierdo Riera (klondike) posted on Wed, 16 Aug 2017
> 12:09:57 +0200 as excerpted:
>> s you may know the core of sys-kernel/hardened-sources have been the
>> grsecuirty patches.
> New typo: s/grsecuirty/grsecurity/
Thanks, I fixed it :)

@all I'll get this pushed up before going to bed tomorrow so I guess
this is the last chance for any comments left :)

Title: sys-kernel/hardened-sources removal
Author: Francisco Blas Izquierdo Riera <klond...@gentoo.org>
Posted: 2017-08-19
Revision: 4
News-Item-Format: 2.0
Display-If-Installed: sys-kernel/hardened-sources
Display-If-Profile: hardened/linux/*

As you may know the core of sys-kernel/hardened-sources have been the
grsecurity patches.

Sadly, their developers have stopped making these patches freely
available [1]. This is a full stop of any public updates and not only
stable ones as was announced two years ago[2].

As a result, the Gentoo Hardened team is unable to keep providing
further updates of the patches, and although the hardened-sources have
proved (when using a hardened toolchain) being resistant against
certain attacks like the stack guard page jump techniques proposed by
Stack Clash, we can't ensure a regular patching schedule and therefore,
the security of the users of these kernel sources.

Because of that we will be masking the hardened-sources on the 27th of
August and will proceed to remove them from the tree by the end of
September. Obviously, we will reinstate the package again if the
developers decide to make their patches publicly available again.

Our recommendation is that users should consider using instead

As an alternative, for users happy keeping themselves on the stable
4.9 branch of the kernel; minipli, another grsecurity user, is forward
porting the patches on [3].

Strcat from Copperhead OS is making his own version of the patches
forward ported to the latest version of the Linux tree at [4].

The Gentoo Hardened team can't make any statement regarding the
security, reliability or update availability of either those patches
as we aren't providing them and can't therefore make any
recommendation regarding their use.

We'd like to note that all the userspace hardening and MAC support
for SELinux provided by Gentoo Hardened will still remain there and
is unaffected by this removal. Also, all PaX related packages other
than the hardened-sources will remain for the time being.

[1] https://grsecurity.net/passing_the_baton.php
[2] https://www.gentoo.org/support/news-items/2015-10-21-future-support-of-
[3] https://github.com/minipli/linux-unofficial_grsec
[4] https://github.com/copperhead/linux-hardened

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