Michael Palimaka wrote:
> The 30 day waiting period is useful for smoking out major upstream bugs,
> but can't replace stabilisation integration testing. For example,
> package foobar may build fine in ~arch but fails in stable because it
> needs a newer libbaz.

So that's either because of an ebuild bug (incorrect DEPEND) or an
upstream bug (e.g. incorrect PKG_CONFIG_CHECK in configure.ac), right?

It seems to me that waiting (random()=30) days and then testing
against (random()=current-version) libbaz in stable isn't amazing. :)

The ebuild bug could be detected automatically for upstreams using
configure.ac and maybe also cmake.

The upstream bug, well, that's a bit more tricky.

I'll try to write a thoughtful response in the other part of this
thread later. Gotta run now. Thanks everyone for your insights!


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