Good work on the refactoring!

Alexis Ballier wrote:
> > >   if [ -d "${ED}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/${PN}" ] ; then  
> > 
> > It’s always been recommended to me that we should use the [[ … ]]
> > form.
> Doesn't make much difference here

Some; you need neither quote nor {} in expansions within [[ ]]. So
instead of the above one could write:

if [[ -d $ED/usr/share/doc/$PF/$PN ]]; then

> and I've always been recommending the other way :p
> if you only do ebuilds or bash, then you don't care, but I definitely
> do other scripts

Be that as it may this is an eclass, and I think conforming to an
established coding style has significant value. I too have understood
that to be [[ ]].



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