>>>>> On Sat, 08 Jul 2017, Michał Górny wrote:

> The pre-GLEP for review is here:

> https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/User:MGorny/GLEP:ReqUse

On first glance:

Section "Processing algorithm":

| 2. Check whether the REQUIRED_USE constraint matches restrictions
| set in #Restrictions on REQUIRED_USE format. If it does not, report
| a REQUIRED_USE mismatch and abort.

Why is this needed? This case should never occur if the REQUIRED_USE
syntax doesn't allow it.

Section "REQUIRED_USE verification algorithm":

| * An any-of group (||) evaluates to true if at least one of the
| items in it evaluates to true.
| * An exactly-one-of group (^^) evaluates to true if exactly one of
| the items in it evaluates to true, and all the remaining items
| evaluate to false.
| * An at-most-one-of group (??) evaluates to true if at most one of
| the items in it evaluates to true.

It should be added that any empty group (|| or ^^ or ??) evalutates to
true, because that's what PMS specifies:


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