On 06/01/2017 11:59 PM, Kent Fredric wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Jun 2017 18:36:24 -0700
> Daniel Campbell <z...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> +1. Otherwise sounds good. But if we do this for Debian, will there be
>> movement to add in package names for rpm-based distros? Arch? BSD?
>> Slackware? Where do we draw the line?
> I'd say "as need be". Here we have a few extra benefits from using a
> debian identifier that aren't strictly related to "package mapping".
> Its also easier for third party services to use our use of debian
> identifiers to produce the other mappings for us where known ( that is,
> non-gentoo entities can maintain a mapping of debian-to-foo, and we can
> trivially hook into that by using the debian-id as the identifer )
>> Will developers be expected to treat this like a mandated element?
> I'd imagine not, given not everything in debian exists in gentoo, or
> vice versa.
> Similarly, I don't think there are any mandates that the other values
> of remote-id be populated, only that its *encouraged* because that data
> provides utility to an end user.
>> If
>> not, which team will have authority to touch package metadata to make
>> this change?
> I'd suggest it should stay within the controls of the package
> maintainer for starters, where individual maintainers can provision it
> as they feel fit, and we can review our stance on this later if we want
> to make it a tree wide consistent thing.
> Partly because individual maintainers are more likely to understand
> correctly how equivalent their dists are to the referenced debian one,
> and be more equipped to decide whether to include/exclude a given ref.

That sounds very reasonable to me. Thanks for clarifying.

Daniel Campbell - Gentoo Developer
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