On Friday, December 9, 2016 3:24:44 PM EST james wrote:
> On 12/08/2016 02:15 PM, Andreas K. Huettel wrote:
> > 
> > Even if I'm repeating myself... Please keep the mailing lists on topic.
> Problems caused by gentoo developer behaviors, are "on topic" for this
> list. Your position only serves to obfuscate remedies.

Be careful, let what happened to me on -project stand as a warning.  Short of 
this reply I am mostly radio silent, no posts, no bugs, no irc, nada... I was 
encouraged for such. Most do not care about the big picture, just their neck 
of the woods. Your posts make mine seem abridged :)

A few select comments, as most rather not hear from me entirely.  I will focus 
on technical ones.

>  Technologies
> like Java, could easily be supported should they choose to allow
> non-sources into the ebuild process, for their gentoo-forked-distro.

This is already taking place in Gentoo. There is not the man power, time, or 
experience for larger Java applications to be packaged. They are going into 
tree as binaries. Most without even unbundling deps that are packaged in tree.

> This enables (by active promotion) any individual, corporation or
> business to benefit from a deployment of gentoo or a customized version
> of gentoo, just like a privileged few corporations have benefited
> (google, CoreOS etc). Without many companies at least testing and some
> using gentoo, Gentoo is mostly a fiefdom of certain companies. This is
> evidenced by the history of devs that work at these companies and have
> been or currently are gentoo devs. It's back-channel control, evidenced
> by irc and other venues where only certain folks can listen. 

This is the down side of letting everyone work on something that pertains to 
them. Without any sort of over all leadership, a common goal or direction from 
the Council. I am not sure Gentoo has had such leadership since the Chief 
Architect position was eliminated.

It is one thing for a developer to work in an area, scratch their itch. But as 
companies hire developers. Those companies can start to take things in their 
own direction. Largely this has not been a problem, but it lets outside 
companies indirectly control the direction of Gentoo. If a conflict between 
companies arises, it could get interesting. Thankfully not an issue and may 
never become one.

> WHY (3):: Update the exam every (2) years and require all devs take the
> exam to re-qualify.

Interesting comment as someone who has done the quizzes several times. Most 
developers do them once and never again. I wonder how many would pass a quiz 
if they were retested....

Also something many here are likely not aware. To become a Gentoo Java 
Developer, there are 3 quizzes. There is a 3rd Gentoo Java Quiz. I am not 
aware of any other quizzes for other parts of the tree. Which in part goes to 
show some of the complexities with Java.

Though it may be beneficial if others come up with their own quizzes, which 
could be small. There are some nuances to packaging other languages. Not sure 
if as many as Java to require another quiz, but may help for others joining 
teams for other languages.


William L. Thomson Jr.

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