All, After _many_ essential and necessary years of service the Gentoo Documentation Project (GDP) has fulfilled its purpose[1][2] and is in the process of being phased out.
As a platform, the wiki has enabled every Gentoo developer (not just those in the Documentation team) and many in the community to maintain Gentoo documentation. All the relevant "HOWTO" articles and other articles produced by former GDP members (and other contributors) have long since moved to publicly editable wiki namespace. These days the community and every Gentoo developer should step up to the plate from time-to-time and maintain the docs. There is very little that is currently "locked down" on the wiki. The Handbook (and everything else in the Handbook namespace) is one exception to what is publicly editable. Since it contains our official and crucial installation instructions; it is a bit risky to put it publicly editable namespace. This creates an inherent 'who's responsible to keep it updated?' So, in order to clarify who will continue to assume responsibility for the Gentoo Handbook, the Handbook project has been newly formed as a sub-project of the Wiki project. Currently just SwifT and me are in this new project, but anyone who's interested in updating/maintaining the Handbook is welcome to join. Here are our current goals, short and sweet: 1. Actively modernize and maintain the official Gentoo Handbook documentation in the Handbook: namespace. 2. Handle 'marking' the Handbook for translation. 3. Maintain the Handbook Development guide. Comments on these are welcome. Suggestions for Handbook updates or fixes can be left on each page's discussion page. Among other areas of contribution, those who are a part of this project will make it a priority to respond to these queries. I suspect next we'll need an e-mail address separate from the wiki's mail address. Other than that we'll still all hang out in #gentoo-wiki on Freenode and continue advancing Gentoo to a better place. Again, comments are welcome. Kind regards, Maffblaster [1] [2]