Hi all,

Thought I'd send a RFC out to you all to get a little feedback before I
make any changes to this since I didn't originally start the project. If
no one responds with a good reason why NOT to make the changes I
purpose, I will proceed in a somewhat timely manner.

It's been over a year since I manually moved the Presentation Project
from wwwold to the wiki. No one who was previously involved in the
project has presumed membership (or leadership) with the project.
There's only been one meaningful edit by Rich0 to one of the project's
two subpages. He kindly added links to a Gentoo presentation he recently

I currently see no reason why we need a separate project for
Presentations. Maybe once when Gentoo PR was busier and we had more
people giving talks it was necessary. If we're just looking for a place
to host links or files I think merging this project with Public
Relations will work nicely. I propose hosting the content of this
project under the Public Relations project, since it has members who are
actually overseeing it as Project specification (GLEP:39) demands.

Empty projects should be removed. They are dead. It's not me who says
it, it's GLEP 39. Be mad at it, not me. :P

I already have a repo for PR setup at projects.g.o. I will make a
presentations/ directory for storing the PDF files that Robin was
recently looking for...I'll have to dig them out of the Wayback Machine,
but that shouldn't take me too long.

Your wiki warrior,



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