On Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 10:40 AM, konsolebox <konsole...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I should also add that testing newer versions of bash becomes more
> risky sometimes, since bash would sometimes need a newer version of
> readline (see 
> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bash/2016-09/msg00020.html).
> Rebuilding or installing a newer version of readline would cause some
> other packages that depend on it to be rebuilt as well.
> If bash and readline become multi-slotted (or shared if there's a
> difference), it would be easier to test them.  Other stuff would also
> not need to be rebuilt immediately.

AFAIK upstream doesn't technically support unbundled readline anyway. If
newer readline isn't tested with older bashes it would be miraculous
for it to be backwards-compatible with every bash version in the tree.

I'd be perfectly happy requiring bundled readline when USE="readline"
for bash versions incompatible with the installed readline, or simply
depending on USE="-readline" for those versions. I rarely if ever use
interactive mode with anything other than my system default /bin/bash.

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