On 09/06/16 15:31, NP-Hardass wrote:
> On 06/09/2016 01:03 AM, Daniel Campbell wrote:
> [...]
>> Proxy-maint team: do you guys feel that your project and/or process are
>> a suitable starting point to becoming a proper Gentoo developer?
> As with everything, it depends on the individual.  One can certainly cut
> their teeth and learn/contribute a lot through proxy maint, but at the
> same time, they could just do the bare minimum to keep their package
> updated.  The idea behind the project is to facility user contributions.
>  Part of that includes ensuring proper QA and writing good, well formed
> ebuilds.  This certainly provides the opportunity to get an individual
> moving toward developership, but obviously, once again, depends on the
> individual.

I'd also like to expand on this a little further to point out that we
have recently enacted a policy to help track/list what a given
contributor actually contributes to through the use of bugs[0,1] which
could be beneficial to someone's application to the recruiters. Note
that this isn't intended as a replacement for the recruitment process.

That being said, there are still a lot of bugs and PR's to be done, so
we would welcome any new members wishing to help facilitate user

[0] https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Proxy_Maintainers/Managing_Requests

Sam Jorna (wraeth) <wra...@gentoo.org>
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