>>>>> On Mon, 6 Jun 2016, Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn wrote:

> Ulrich Mueller schrieb:
>> Question related to this, do we take the opportunity to standardise
>> the values? Looks like the vast majority follows
>> language[_territory][@modifier] specified by POSIX [1] but some
>> don't.

> What do we do with locales that don't fit into this scheme? Catalan
> Valencian is one such locale.
> Packages currently use modifiers (ca@valencia) or ISO 3166-1
> reserved area (ca_XV) or something entirely different (ca_valencia).

According to [1], "valencia" is a valid variant subtag, therefore
ca@valencia should be fine.

> ISO 3166-1:ES defines ES-VC as region code, so maybe ca_ES-VC would
> be best. Though a quick Google search didn't find any major usage of
> that either.

Neither XV nor ES-VC are registered as a subtag though, so presumably
these should be avoided.



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