I'll start with the easy one first. A new version is attached.

On 06/01/2016 01:53 PM, Michał Górny wrote:
>> +
>> +[[ -z ${MY_PV} ]] && MY_PV=${PV}
> Is MY_PV part of the API? If yes, document it, and preferably rename
> into something more collision-proof. If not, you shouldn't be doing
> [[ -z ...

Uhhhh I don't think so. It's probably leaking through from some ebuilds,
but I just documented that you're going to have to fix that on the wiki
page and made the eclass ignore it.

As part of a greater campaign for sanity, I'm also requiring that the
PHP_EXT_PECL_FILENAME variable contain a file name. Previously we had
something like SRC_URI="...${PHP_EXT_PECL_FILENAME}-${MY_PV}.tgz".

>> +MY_PV="${MY_PV/_/}"
> If exported as part of the API, please document it. Otherwise, remember
> to unset it after use.

After the MY_PV fix, I still had one undocumented variable laying around
in global scope. I mangled the name for safety, and unset it after use.

>> +
>> +# @FUNCTION: php-ext-pecl-r3_src_compile
>> +# Compile a standard PECL package. The process is the same as for any
>> +# standalone PHP extension, so we delegate to php-ext-source-r3.eclass.
>> +php-ext-pecl-r3_src_compile() {
>> +    php-ext-source-r3_src_compile
>> +}
> Any reason to re-export it?

Because -r2 did =P

It's fixed.

>> +
>> +    if has examples ${IUSE} && use examples ; then
> This is prohibited. Use in_iuse.

Thanks, fixed.

>> +            NO_INTERACTION="yes" emake test || \
>> +                    die "emake test failed for slot ${slot}"
> emake dies in this EAPI, so your die will never be called.

This too, thanks.

# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Id$

# @ECLASS: php-ext-pecl-r3.eclass
# Gentoo PHP team <php-b...@gentoo.org>
# @BLURB: A uniform way to install PECL extensions
# This eclass should be used by all dev-php/pecl-* ebuilds as a uniform
# way of installing PECL extensions. For more information about PECL,
# see http://pecl.php.net/

# Set in ebuild before inheriting this eclass if the tarball name
# differs from ${PN/pecl-/} so that SRC_URI and HOMEPAGE get set
# correctly by the eclass.
# Setting this variable manually also affects PHP_EXT_NAME and ${S}
# unless you override those in ebuild. If that is not desired, please
# use PHP_EXT_PECL_FILENAME instead.
[[ -z "${PHP_EXT_PECL_PKG}" ]] && PHP_EXT_PECL_PKG="${PN/pecl-/}"

# Set in ebuild before inheriting this eclass if the tarball name
# differs from "${PN/pecl-/}-${PV}.tgz" so that SRC_URI gets set
# correctly by the eclass.
# Unlike PHP_EXT_PECL_PKG, setting this variable does not affect

# Set PHP_EXT_NAME for php-ext-source-r3.eclass.

# Try to guess the upstream name of the package/version. We only use
# this variable temporarily before unsetting it.

# It's important that we determine and set $S before we inherit below.

inherit php-ext-source-r3

EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_install src_test

if [[ -z "${PHP_EXT_PECL_FILENAME}" ]] ; then

# Don't leave this laying around in the environment.


# @FUNCTION: php-ext-pecl-r3_src_install
# Install a standard PECL package. First we delegate to
# php-ext-source-r3.eclass, and then we attempt to install examples
# found in a standard location.
php-ext-pecl-r3_src_install() {

        if in_iuse examples && use examples ; then
                dodoc -r examples

# @FUNCTION: php-ext-pecl-r3_src_test
# Run tests delivered with the PECL package. Phpize will have generated
# a run-tests.php file to be executed by `make test`. We only need to
# force the test suite to run in non-interactive mode.
php-ext-pecl-r3_src_test() {
        for slot in $(php_get_slots); do
                php_init_slot_env "${slot}"
                NO_INTERACTION="yes" emake test

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