On 2 June 2016 at 07:33, Martin Vaeth <mar...@mvath.de> wrote:
> I prefer to have at least 5% of the ebuilds working and the other
> being fixable (if their maintainers want to spend the effort)
> than to remove a concept which breaks also these 5% and turns
> all ebuilds non-fixable, in principle.

Changing the status-quo to "broken by default and needs 95% of the
tree to change to not be broken" is a bad precedent.

Its better to have 100% of the tree *not* broken by default, and then
we progressively whittle the tree into a flexible state.

( At least, this is what I've gathered so far )

>> I'm not going to continue the discussion if you are so blinded by
>> LINGUAS that you are even unable to understand what I'm talking about,
>> and consistently mix the LINGUAS concept and INSTALL_MASK concept,
> ...says the man who mixes this wildly in the first posting by
> suggesting to recommend the user to not use LINGUAS and use
> INSTALL_MASK *instead*; as a reply to my warning to not mix
> these completely unrelated concepts.

LINGUAS affects compilation due to weird toolchains.

INSTALL_MASK just nukes files.


KENTNL - https://metacpan.org/author/KENTNL

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