Hey Matt,

On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 1:12 AM, Matt Turner <matts...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Is tatt usable for anyone? Both the 0.3 and 9999 versions seem to hang
> after printing the Bugnumber:

I was using it successfully a few months ago, when I was actively
doing arch testing. So something recently may have broken it.

> # tatt -b 576112
> Bugnumber:  576112
> CTRL+C gives this traceback:
>         ^CTraceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/lib/python-exec/python3.4/tatt", line 135, in <module>
>     bugraw = p1.communicate()[0].decode('utf-8')
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.4/subprocess.py", line 947, in communicate
>     stdout = _eintr_retry_call(self.stdout.read)
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.4/subprocess.py", line 491, in _eintr_retry_call
>     return func(*args)
> KeyboardInterrupt
> I've asked multiple times in #gentoo-dev, but the lack of responses
> indicates to me that no one actually uses it which would be a shame.
> If it is indeed broken, perhaps we should remove mentions of it from
> pages such as [1].
> Does anyone successfully use tatt? Are there alternatives to scripting
> this boring keywording procedure?

I dont know of any other alternatives, but I will set tatt up on my
new machine and let you know if I run into the same issues.

> [1] https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Arch_testing_guide#tatt

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