>>>>> On Wed, 18 May 2016, M J Everitt wrote:

> My idea thus, was inspired by the simple bash DOCS+= ( ) statement,
> that would allow you to append files/folders to the installdocs
> list, assuming that DOCS was pre-populated with an existing set of
> files. Obviously the status quo is set for EAPI6 and algorithms
> defined, but wondered if it could be considered for a future
> update/improvement cycle?!

This was already discussed three years ago in bug 449806, which was
closed as WONTFIX.

> There are methods (Again, quite clunky) to invoke the default
> method, amend the variable, repeat installdocs .. and/or do
> additional dodoc's manually, but I would have thought it was
> possible to incorporate into the core functions, and keep the ebuild
> tidy and clean (and short!).

Basically, in EAPI 6 you can do the following in src_install():

    einstalldocs    # or part of "default"

Only two lines. Do you think this is untidy?


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