On 04.05.2016 11:19, Duncan wrote:
> Ulrich Mueller posted on Wed, 04 May 2016 10:00:05 +0200 as excerpted:
>>>>>>> On Wed, 4 May 2016, Austin English wrote:
>>>> Your list of affected packages obtained with "git grep" in the Portage
>>>> tree will not be complete, since the command won't catch any init
>>>> scripts installed from elsewhere. You should look for the set of
>>>> installed files instead.
>>> How is that relevant here at all? I'm cleaning up portage installed
>>> init scripts, [...]
>> You are cleaning up only those init scripts that are installed from
>> FILESDIR, but you will miss the ones that are installed from a file in
> While you are correct, the current problem isn't lack of low hanging 
> fruit to fix in the files dir, as he said there's 700 packages on the 
> list already, too many to file individual bugs for.
> So while it is indeed worthwhile to keep in mind the init-scripts 
> installed from SRC_URI...
> There's seven hundred "miles of open road" to cross before we have to 
> worry about that SRC_URI bridge, so maybe worry about that when we're 
> within 50 or 100, or even a couple hundred, "miles", not 700. =:^]

Hi Austin,

to be honest, I'm not too happy with the fixes you applied.
Although it's just a tiny change, I'd rather have expected a revision
bump to the ebuilds and a revision bump to the init files themselves
than just a in-file rewrite.
Your fix changes the content of files that are installed to ones system.
Such a change usually requires a revbump.



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