On 25 February 2016 at 21:02, Consus <con...@gmx.com> wrote:
> Well, we do have one
>         https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/log/dev-lang/perl
> I bet folks want to check out what's new in their local copy of Portage
> tree.

With a custom, portage oriented, on-demand log generator you could
produce a lot more detail ( and in a text format that doesn't require
a web browser to view ) , and potentially use understanding of portage
conventions to generate change data outside those explicitly stated.

Though that would be a "later feature" you could potentially bolt on
after the main logic was sorted out.

The idea being you could request a changelog for a package with a list
of "interest aspects" and have the log reduced to changes that affect
those interests.

For instance, you could do :

   curl http://thing.gentoo.org/changes/dev-lang/perl?arch=~x86

And with a bit of effort, you could generate a changelog that is only
relevant for somebody who is on ~x86, eliding changes that x86 didn't
get yet.

For instance, an ~x86 filter would elide stabilizations for ~x86,
because you don't care about stabilizations if you're assuming ~arch.
( And it would elide changes that were only visible for other arches )

And this filter wouldn't necessarily be implemented in "grep for
keywords in the commit message", but *analyse the change in the
directory* based, which would give the ability to do things that would
otherwise only be possible with a git clone.


KENTNL - https://metacpan.org/author/KENTNL

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