On Mon, 15 Feb 2016 09:16:53 +0100
"Justin Lecher (jlec)" <j...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> # Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
> # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
> # $Id$
> # @ECLASS: intel-sdp-r1.eclass
> # Justin Lecher <j...@gentoo.org>
> # David Seifert <s...@gentoo.org>
> # Sci Team <s...@gentoo.org>
> # @BLURB: Handling of Intel's Software Development Products package management
> if [[ ! ${_INTEL_SDP_R1_ECLASS_} ]]; then
> case "${EAPI:-0}" in

:-0 is meaningless here.

>       6) ;;
>       *) die "EAPI=${EAPI} is not supported" ;;

If at all, it could be helpful here.

> esac
> # The package download ID from Intel.
> # To find out its value, see the links to download in
> # https://registrationcenter.intel.com/RegCenter/MyProducts.aspx
> #
> # e.g. 8365
> #
> # Must be defined before inheriting the eclass
> # The package name to download from Intel.
> # To find out its value, see the links to download in
> # https://registrationcenter.intel.com/RegCenter/MyProducts.aspx
> #
> # e.g. parallel_studio_xe
> #
> # Must be defined before inheriting the eclass
> # The package download version from Intel.
> # To find out its value, see the links to download in
> # https://registrationcenter.intel.com/RegCenter/MyProducts.aspx
> #
> # e.g. 2016_update1
> #
> # Must be defined before inheriting the eclass
> # The package extention.

Extension. Or if you're not on Windows, then 'suffix'.

> # To find out its value, see the links to download in
> # https://registrationcenter.intel.com/RegCenter/MyProducts.aspx
> #
> # e.g. tar.gz
> #
> # Must be defined before inheriting the eclass
> : ${INTEL_TARX:=tgz}
> # The package sub-directory where it will end-up in /opt/intel
> # To find out its value, you have to do a raw install from the Intel tar ball

To be honest, I find this kinda terrible. There's a huge block of docs
which makes me feel small and confused. Maybe it'd useful to give some
semi-complete example on top (in global doc)?

> # Possibility to skip the mandatory check for licenses. Only set this if there
> # is really no fix.
> # Main subdirectory which contains the rpms to extract.
> : ${INTEL_RPMS_DIR:=rpm}
> # 32bit arch in rpm names
> #
> # e.g. i486
> : ${INTEL_X86:=i486}
> # Functional name of rpm without any version/arch tag
> # Has to be a bash array
> #
> # e.g. ("icc-l-all-devel")
> #
> # if the rpm is located in a directory other than INTEL_RPMS_DIR you can
> # specify the full path
> #
> # e.g. CLI_install/rpm/intel-vtune-amplifier-xe-cli
> : ${INTEL_BIN_RPMS:=()}

$ : ${foo:=()}
$ declare -p foo
declare -- foo="()"

In other words, it doesn't work the way you expect it to.

> # AMD64 single arch rpms. Same syntax as INTEL_BIN_RPMS
> # Has to be a bash array
> : ${INTEL_AMD64_RPMS:=()}
> # X86 single arch rpms. Same syntax as INTEL_BIN_RPMS
> # Has to be a bash array
> : ${INTEL_X86_RPMS:=()}
> # Functional name of rpm of common data which are arch free
> # without any version tag
> # Has to be a bash array
> #
> # e.g. ("openmp-l-all-devel")
> #
> # if the rpm is located in a directory different to INTEL_RPMS_DIR you can
> # specify the full path
> #
> # e.g. CLI_install/rpm/intel-vtune-amplifier-xe-cli-common
> : ${INTEL_DAT_RPMS:=()}
> # Unset, if only the multilib package will be provided by intel
> : ${INTEL_SINGLE_ARCH:=true}

This is really weird. It sounds like I'm supposed to do:

  inherit intel-sdp-r1

I suggest you used positive logic instead.

> MULTILIB_COMPAT=( abi_x86_{32,64} )
> inherit check-reqs eutils multilib-build versionator
> _INTEL_PV1=$(get_version_component_range 1)
> _INTEL_PV2=$(get_version_component_range 2)
> _INTEL_PV3=$(get_version_component_range 3)
> _INTEL_PV4=$(get_version_component_range 4)

I'm pretty sure there's a better way than calling the same function
four times. For example:

  _INTEL_PV=( $(get_version_components) )

Plus, please reduce the environment pollution. Either unset all those
variables when no longer needed, or preferably create a function for
setting globals and make them local.

> _INTEL_PV=""
> [[ -n ${_INTEL_PV4} ]] && _INTEL_PV+="${_INTEL_PV4}-"
> [[ -n ${_INTEL_PV1} ]] && _INTEL_PV+="${_INTEL_PV1}"
> [[ -n ${_INTEL_PV2} ]] && _INTEL_PV+=".${_INTEL_PV2}"
> [[ -n ${_INTEL_PV3} ]] && _INTEL_PV+=".${_INTEL_PV3}"
> [[ -n ${_INTEL_PV4} ]] && _INTEL_PV+="-${_INTEL_PV4}"

Now, this is crazy ;-). I don't see immediately how to improve that,
but I suggest you thought about that.

Plus, it's kinda confusing having _INTEL_PV and INTEL_DPV used in all
different places. Could you try to use more explanatory names?

> _INTEL_URI="http://registrationcenter-download.intel.com/akdlm/irc_nas/${INTEL_DID}/${INTEL_DPN}";
> if [ ${INTEL_SINGLE_ARCH} == true ]; then

Please use [[ ]] for consistency, and quoting safety.

>       SRC_URI="
>               abi_x86_32? ( ${_INTEL_URI}_${INTEL_DPV}_ia32.${INTEL_TARX} )
>               abi_x86_64? ( ${_INTEL_URI}_${INTEL_DPV}_intel64.${INTEL_TARX} 
> )"
> else
> fi
> # Future work, #394411
> #SLOT="${_INTEL_PV1}.${_INTEL_PV2}"
> SLOT="0"
> RESTRICT="mirror"
> DEPEND="app-arch/rpm2targz"
> # Full rootless path to installation dir
> [[ -n ${_INTEL_PV3} ]] && INTEL_SDP_DIR+=".${_INTEL_PV3}"
> [[ -n ${_INTEL_PV4} ]] && INTEL_SDP_DIR+=".${_INTEL_PV4}"
> # Full rooted path to installation dir

EROOT can't be used in global scope. Doing things like this, you could
end up with wrong value being carried on to phases.

> S="${WORKDIR}"
> # Intels internal names of the arches; will be set at runtime accordingly
> #
> # e.g. amd64-multilib -> INTEL_ARCH="intel64 ia32"

So we're not supposed to set this?

> # @FUNCTION: _isdp_big-warning
> # @USAGE: [pre-check | test-failed]
> # warn user that we really require a license

Description really need to be improved. They should tell how to call
the function and what it does accordingly. This applies to all

> _isdp_big-warning() {
>       debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
>       case ${1} in
>               pre-check )
>                       echo ""

Don't mix echo with ewarn.

>                       ewarn "License file not found!"
>                       ;;
>               test-failed )
>                       echo ""
>                       ewarn "Function test failed. Most probably due to an 
> invalid license."
>                       ewarn "This means you already tried to bypass the 
> license check once."
>                       ;;
>       esac
>       echo ""
>       ewarn "Make sure you have received an Intel license."
>       ewarn "To receive a non-commercial license, you need to register at:"
>       ewarn "https://software.intel.com/en-us/qualify-for-free-software";
>       ewarn "Install the license file into ${EPREFIX}/opt/intel/licenses"
>       ewarn ""
>       ewarn "Beginning with the 2016 suite of tools, license files are keyed"
>       ewarn "to the MAC address of the eth0 interface. In order to retrieve"
>       ewarn "a personalized license file, follow the instructions at"
>       ewarn 
> "https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/how-do-i-get-my-license-file-for-intel-parallel-studio-xe-2016";
>       case ${1} in
>               pre-check )
>                       ewarn "before proceeding with installation of ${P}"
>                       echo ""
>                       ;;
>               * )
>                       echo ""
>                       ;;
>                       esac
> }
> # @FUNCTION: _isdp_version_test
> # Testing for valid license by asking for version information of the compiler
> _isdp_version_test() {
>       debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
>       local comp comp_full arch warn
>       case ${PN} in
>               ifc )
>                       debug-print "Testing ifort"
>                       comp=ifort
>                       ;;
>               icc )
>                       debug-print "Testing icc"
>                       comp=icc
>                       ;;
>               *)
>                       die "${PN} is not supported for testing"
>                       ;;
>       esac
>       for arch in ${INTEL_ARCH}; do
>               case ${EBUILD_PHASE} in
>                       install )
> comp_full="${ED}/${INTEL_SDP_DIR}/linux/bin/${arch}/${comp}"

Double slash imminent (ED has one).

>                               ;;
>                       postinst )
> comp_full="${INTEL_SDP_EDIR}/linux/bin/${arch}/${comp}"
>                               ;;
>                       * )
>                               ewarn "Compile test not supported in 

Why not die? It's a new eclass after all.

>                               continue
>                               ;;
>               esac
>               debug-print 
> "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"${INTEL_SDP_EDIR}/linux/bin/${arch}/\" \"${comp_full}\" -V"
>               LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${INTEL_SDP_EDIR}/linux/bin/${arch}/" 
> "${comp_full}" -V &>/dev/null
>               [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && warn=yes

Why not just:

  LD_L...  "${comp_full}" -V &>/dev/null || warn=yes

>       done
>       [[ "${warn}" == "yes" ]] && _isdp_big-warning test-failed

Unnecessary quoting.

> }
> # @FUNCTION: _isdp_run-test
> # Test if installed compiler is working
> _isdp_run-test() {
>       debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
>       if [[ -z ${INTEL_SKIP_LICENSE} ]]; then
>               case ${PN} in
>                       ifc | icc )
>                               _isdp_version_test ;;
>                       * )
>                               debug-print "No test available for ${PN}"
>                               ;;
>               esac
>       fi
> }
> # @FUNCTION: convert2intel_arch
> # @USAGE: <arch>
> # Convert between portage arch (e.g. amd64, x86) and intel arch
> # nomenclature (e.g. intel64, ia32)
> convert2intel_arch() {

Namespace, please.

>       debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
>       case $1 in
>               amd64|abi_x86_64|*amd64*)

Err, *amd64* catches amd64, you know.

>                       echo "intel64"
>                       ;;
>               x86|abi_x86_32|*x86*)
>                       echo "ia32"
>                       ;;
>               *)
>                       die "Abi \'$1\' is unsupported"
>                       ;;
>       esac
> }
> # @FUNCTION: intel-sdp-r1_pkg_pretend
> # @CODE
> # * Check that the user has a (valid) license file before going on.
> # * Check for space requirements being fullfilled


> # @CODE

Err, this is not code, you know.

> intel-sdp-r1_pkg_pretend() {
>       debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
>       local warn=1 dir dirs ret arch a p
>       : ${CHECKREQS_DISK_BUILD:=256M}
>       check-reqs_pkg_pretend
>       if [[ -z ${INTEL_SKIP_LICENSE} ]]; then
>               if echo ${INTEL_LICENSE_FILE} | grep -q @; then

Err... is this some fancy way of saying:

  [[ ${INTEL_LICENSE_FILE} == *@* ]]

? Or is @ special here?

>                       einfo "Looks like you are using following license 
> server:"
>                       einfo "   ${INTEL_LICENSE_FILE}"
>                       return 0
>               fi
>               dirs=(
>                       "${EPREFIX}/opt/intel/licenses"
>                       "${INTEL_SDP_EDIR}/licenses"
>                       "${INTEL_SDP_EDIR}/Licenses"
>                       )
>               for dir in "${dirs[@]}" ; do
>                       ebegin "Checking for a license in: ${dir}"
>                       #maybe use nullglob or [[ $(echo ${dir/*lic) != 
> "${dir}/*lic" ]]
>                       [[ $( ls "${dir}"/*lic 2>/dev/null ) ]]; ret=$?

Maybe you should use something sane indeed.

>                       eend ${ret}
>                       if [[ ${ret} == "0" ]]; then
>                               warn=${ret}
>                               break
>                       fi

I would have to check PMS here but I think eend preserves (returns)
the status passed to it.

>               done
>               if [[ ${warn} == "1" ]]; then
>                       _isdp_big-warning pre-check
>                       die "Could not find license file"
>               fi
>       else
>               eqawarn "The ebuild doesn't check for presence of a proper 
> intel license!"
>               eqawarn "This shouldn't be done unless there is a very good 
> reason."

This looks like a bad idea. You either require it, and fail it doesn't
exist, or let people disable it. You don't warn endlessly if this is

>       fi
> }
> # @FUNCTION: intel-sdp-r1_pkg_setup
> # Setting up and sorting some internal variables
> intel-sdp-r1_pkg_setup() {
>       debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
>       local arch a p
>       INTEL_ARCH=""
>       if use abi_x86_64; then
>               arch+=" x86_64"
>               INTEL_ARCH+=" intel64"

Wouldn't it be better to use an array here?

>       fi
>       if use abi_x86_32; then
>               arch+=" ${INTEL_X86}"
>               INTEL_ARCH+=" ia32"
>       fi
>       INTEL_RPMS=()
>       INTEL_RPMS_FULL=()
>       for p in "${INTEL_BIN_RPMS[@]}"; do
>               for a in ${arch}; do
>                       if [ ${p} == $(basename ${p}) ]; then


>                               # check for variables ending in ".rpm"
>                               # these are excluded from version expansion, 
> due to Intel's
>                               # idiosyncratic versioning scheme beginning 
> with their 2016
>                               # suite of tools.
>                               if [[ "${p}" == *.rpm ]]; then
>                                       INTEL_RPMS+=( intel-${p} )
>                               else
>                                       INTEL_RPMS+=( 
> intel-${p}-${_INTEL_PV}.${a}.rpm )
>                               fi
>                       else
>                               if [[ "${p}" == *.rpm ]]; then
>                                       INTEL_RPMS_FULL+=( ${p} )
>                               else
>                                       INTEL_RPMS_FULL+=( 
> ${p}-${_INTEL_PV}.${a}.rpm )
>                               fi
>                       fi
>               done
>       done
>       if use amd64; then
>               for p in "${INTEL_AMD64_RPMS[@]}"; do
>                       if [ ${p} == $(basename ${p}) ]; then
>                               if [[ "${p}" == *.rpm ]]; then
>                                       INTEL_RPMS+=( intel-${p} )
>                               else
>                                       INTEL_RPMS+=( 
> intel-${p}-${_INTEL_PV}.x86_64.rpm )
>                               fi
>                       else
>                               if [[ "${p}" == *.rpm ]]; then
>                                       INTEL_RPMS_FULL+=( ${p} )
>                               else
>                                       INTEL_RPMS_FULL+=( 
> ${p}-${_INTEL_PV}.x86_64.rpm )
>                               fi
>                       fi
>               done
>       fi
>       for p in "${INTEL_X86_RPMS[@]}"; do
>               if [ ${p} == $(basename ${p}) ]; then
>                       if [[ "${p}" == *.rpm ]]; then
>                               INTEL_RPMS+=( intel-${p} )
>                       else
>                               INTEL_RPMS+=( 
> intel-${p}-${_INTEL_PV}.${INTEL_X86}.rpm )
>                       fi
>               else
>                       if [[ "${p}" == *.rpm ]]; then
>                               INTEL_RPMS_FULL+=( ${p} )
>                       else
>                               INTEL_RPMS_FULL+=( 
> ${p}-${_INTEL_PV}.${INTEL_X86}.rpm )
>                       fi
>               fi
>       done
>       for p in "${INTEL_DAT_RPMS[@]}"; do
>               if [ ${p} == $(basename ${p}) ]; then
>                       if [[ "${p}" == *.rpm ]]; then
>                               INTEL_RPMS+=( intel-${p} )
>                       else
>                               INTEL_RPMS+=( 
> intel-${p}-${_INTEL_PV}.noarch.rpm )
>                       fi
>               else
>                       if [[ "${p}" == *.rpm ]]; then
>                               INTEL_RPMS_FULL+=( ${p} )
>                       else
>                               INTEL_RPMS_FULL+=( ${p}-${_INTEL_PV}.noarch.rpm 
> )
>                       fi
>               fi
>       done

Wouldn't you be able to collapse that into one loop?

> }
> # @FUNCTION: intel-sdp-r1_src_unpack
> # Unpacking necessary rpms from tarball, extract them and rearrange the 
> output.
> intel-sdp-r1_src_unpack() {
>       local l r subdir rb t list=() debug_list
>       for t in ${A}; do
>               for r in "${INTEL_RPMS[@]}"; do
>                       rpmdir=${t%%.*}/${INTEL_RPMS_DIR}
>                       list+=( ${rpmdir}/${r} )
>               done
>               for r in "${INTEL_RPMS_FULL[@]}"; do
>                       list+=( ${t%%.*}/${r} )
>               done
>               debug_list="$(IFS=$'\n'; echo ${list[@]} )"
>               debug-print "Adding to decompression list:"
>               debug-print ${debug_list}
>               tar xvf "${DISTDIR}"/${t} ${list[@]} &> 
> "${T}"/rpm-extraction.log

I suggest -xvf. Looks more friendly than ye-ol-syntax.

>               for r in ${list[@]}; do
>                       rb=$(basename ${r})

basename again.

>                       einfo "Unpacking ${rb}"
>                       rpm2tar -O ${r} | tar xvf - | sed -e \
>                               "s:^\.:${EROOT#/}:g" > /dev/null; assert 
> "unpacking ${r} failed"

What's the deal with this sed?

>               done
>       done
> }
> # @FUNCTION: intel-sdp-r1_src_install
> # Install everything
> intel-sdp-r1_src_install() {
>       debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
>       # remove uninstall information
>       if path_exists opt/intel/"${INTEL_DPN}"*/uninstall; then
>               ebegin "Cleaning out uninstall"
>               rm -r opt/intel/"${INTEL_DPN}"*/uninstall || die
>               eend
>       fi
>       # handle documentation
>       if path_exists "opt/intel/documentation_${_INTEL_SDP_YEAR}"; then
>               if path_exists 
> "opt/intel/documentation_${_INTEL_SDP_YEAR}/en/man/common/man1"; then
>                       doman 
> opt/intel/documentation_"${_INTEL_SDP_YEAR}"/en/man/common/man1/*
>                       rm -r 
> opt/intel/documentation_"${_INTEL_SDP_YEAR}"/en/man || die
>               fi
>               if use doc; then
>                       if ! use linguas_ja; then
>                               rm -r 
> opt/intel/documentation_"${_INTEL_SDP_YEAR}"/ja || die
>                       fi
>                       dodoc -r opt/intel/documentation_"${_INTEL_SDP_YEAR}"/*
>               fi
>               ebegin "Cleaning out documentation"
>               rm -r "opt/intel/documentation_${_INTEL_SDP_YEAR}" || die
>               rm "${INTEL_SDP_DIR}"/linux/{documentation,man} || die
>               eend
>       fi
>       # handle examples
>       if path_exists "opt/intel/samples_${_INTEL_SDP_YEAR}"; then
>               if use examples; then
>                       if ! use linguas_ja; then
>                               rm -r opt/intel/samples_"${_INTEL_SDP_YEAR}"/ja 
> || die
>                       fi
>                       dodoc -r opt/intel/samples_"${_INTEL_SDP_YEAR}"/*
>               fi
>               ebegin "Cleaning out examples"
>               rm -r "opt/intel/samples_${_INTEL_SDP_YEAR}" || die
>               eend
>       fi
>       # remove eclipse
>       rm -rf opt/intel/ide_support_* || die
>       ebegin "Tagging ${PN}"
>       find opt -name \*sh -type f -exec sed -i \
>               -e "s:<.*DIR>:${INTEL_SDP_EDIR}/linux:g" \
>               '{}' + || die
>       eend
>       [[ -d "${ED}" ]] || dodir /

Do we actually need that, ever?

>       mv opt "${ED}"/ || die "moving files failed"
>       dodir "${INTEL_SDP_DIR}"/licenses /opt/intel/ism/rm
>       keepdir "${INTEL_SDP_DIR}"/licenses /opt/intel/ism/rm

dodir is redundant.

> }
> # @FUNCTION: intel-sdp-r1_pkg_postinst
> # Test for all things working
> intel-sdp-r1_pkg_postinst() {
>       debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
>       _isdp_run-test
>       if [[ ${PN} = icc ]] && has_version ">=dev-util/ccache-3.1.9-r2" ; then
>               #add ccache links as icc might get installed after ccache
>               "${EROOT}"/usr/bin/ccache-config --install-links
>       fi
>       elog "Beginning with the 2016 suite of Intel tools, Gentoo has removed"
>       elog "support for the eclipse plugin. If you require the IDE support,"
>       elog "you will have to install the suite on your own, outside portage."
> }
> # @FUNCTION: intel-sdp-r1_pkg_postrm
> # Sanitize cache links
> intel-sdp-r1_pkg_postrm() {
>       debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
>       if [[ ${PN} = icc ]] && has_version ">=dev-util/ccache-3.1.9-r2" && [[ 
> -z ${REPLACED_BY_VERSION} ]]; then
>               # --remove-links would remove all links, --install-links 
> updates them
>               "${EROOT}"/usr/bin/ccache-config --install-links
>       fi
> }
> EXPORT_FUNCTIONS pkg_setup src_unpack src_install pkg_postinst pkg_postrm 
> pkg_pretend

We usually do this on top, and it's better to do it outside guards so
that order from inherit is always respected.

> fi

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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