On 02/11/15 22:08, Alexander Berntsen wrote:
> It is tailored to Facebook's workflow. Their workflow does not
> coincide with most other people's workflow. It doesn't work for my
> company, and I suspect it won't work for Gentoo either.

Which workflow do you mean? Most features seem optional, allowing people
to work as they wish.

> On the other hand it offers a lot of neat things, so experimenting
> with it is good. Thanks for doing this work, Michael. Hopefully it
> will lead somewhere.
> As an alternative, that I have been meaning to look at, there's
> critic[0]. It might be useful for someone to have a look at it.
> [0]  <https://critic-review.org/dashboard>

I ran a really quick test and it looks really nice for pre-commit
reviews. If we're looking for a "GitHub replacement" however, it seems a
bit light on features.

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