hasufell posted on Fri, 21 Aug 2015 17:27:06 +0200 as excerpted:

> On 08/21/2015 02:04 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:
>> Right now there isn't even a functional games team to leave alone, and
>> this isn't just about games.
> Exactly. Start there, instead of having the council or QA impose games
> policies. It's not their job.

Kinda hard to start by fixing the game team, with gentoo being a 
community-volunteer based project, and apparently no devs interested in 
volunteering for games lead.  The council can ask for volunteers and they 
have, but as the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you can't 
make him drink, and if nobody's volunteering to drink the games-lead 

Which of course has been pointed out numerous times...

Without that games team, the slack has to be picked up somewhere, and 
ultimately it falls to the QA and tree-cleaners teams, which /are/ still 
active, do do it.  And if they're going to do it, in the absence of a 
working games team despite asking for volunteers multiple times, it's 
reasonable to expect they'll remake it in their own image, to some 
degree, which is pretty much exactly what this thread is about.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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