On Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 2:12 PM, Robin H. Johnson <robb...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Ebuild:
> - User copies .ebuild with expanded $Id$ to /usr/local/portage/...
> - User modifies local ebuild copy
> - User submits changed ebuild to bugzilla
> - Developer uses Header/Id to figure out what to base a diff on for
>   merging.
I guess I could see it being useful for quickly spotting what the user
changed and applying it to the latest release, rather than carefully
checking for backdoors or trying to find the right changes in a
mismatched diff.

On the other hand, we could try to encourage users to use git
format-patch, which accomplishes the same thing in a nicer way (if
they're using git).

I do see the potential use of it.  I am not really sure how much use
it will get though.

> Non-ebuild
> - Package installs /etc/init.d/foobar, with some bug
> - User reports it is buggy
> - User modifies it to temporarily work around the bug
> - User submits modified version back
> - Developer asks what the original version was if it didn't have some
>   useful marker in the file.

I thought we were only expanding this on ebuilds.  We need to be
really cafeful about this because we've already been bitten numerous
times with cvs keyword expansion issues, because...

> If we don't have a placeholder for where to inject it, how do we know
> where it's safe to inject?

... if you're not limiting this to */*/*.ebuild then how do you know
where it is safe to expand?


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