On 14:27 Wed 18 Feb     , Tom Gall wrote:
> So first, for those interested in cheap arm64 hardware, the first 96 board is 
> going to start shipping in March for ~$129. The HiKey board is an 8 way 64 
> bit ARM board with 8 A53 cores. (No A57s bummer!)  Only had a gig of memory 
> on the board but it’s not a bad device. I’ve had one for about 2-3 weeks now. 
> I’m basically running off a USB hard disk for the moment and thankfully the 
> kernel continues to improve. 
> The one downside is you really really need a 1.8v USB -> UART cable. You can 
> get them from digikey and connect it on the board. If working with raw cables 
> makes you squeamish take a breath, you’ll be fine.
> Info and links at:
> https://www.96boards.org
> Ok so hardware aside here’s the arm64 gentoo plan.
> 1) new stage3 put together and get that onto the mirrors for consumption. 
> 2) Get the handbook extended to include arm64
> 3) continued package stabilization
> Volunteers most welcome.
Hi Tom
 I'd do step 0) -> keyword ebuilds, and here are the ebuilds [1] which
all tested on my hardware here (also A53)
 xfce4, lxde works here; have problem with qt4, no arm64 support, 
can leverage patches from debian/ubuntu; 

 btw, is there any script to do massive keyword?

[1] http://dev.gentoo.org/~dlan/misc/keyarm64.txt

Yixun Lan (dlan)
Gentoo Linux Developer

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