On Wed, 18 Feb 2015 19:58:29 +0800
Ben de Groot <yng...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> The attached patch proposes two helper functions to be added to
> qmake-utils.eclass. These functions echo the correct directory where
> qt binaries such as moc and lrelease are located. They can be used in
> ebuilds when such binaries need to be called directly. (Ebuilds should
> not rely on qtchooser for this.)
> Please review before I commit.

Looks good (barring what Davide noted).

Do you have a list of ebuilds that might benefit?

I know net-analyzer/wireshark might, but it doesn't even use
qmake-utils.eclass right now simply because it doesn't use qmake (but it
does use moc and uic, so I wouldn't expect to find those functions in an
eclass seemingly about qmake).


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