> * AutoRepoman catches on average maybe 2 user-visible breakages. > Fix: Make repoman faster (tree-wide scans take ~2 CPU-hours) > Fix: Remind people that using repoman is not optional
Fix: Make more repoman warnings fatal. Please. Fix: Make the QA team deliver a friendly but stern warning to people who don't use repoman and thus commit crap. If repeated or blatantly wrong, revert [1]. Dream: If the git migration ever happens, make later git refuse pushes that break the tree. (if only by pushing to a staging area first, which is then automatically forwarded to the main tree if ok.) > * AutoRepoman still runs on my hardware > Fix: Remind infra of https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=484064 > * mail archives have been broken since 2012 > Fix: get infra to either fix it, or provide enough information that it > can be fixed. See https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=424647#c27 > * git.overlays.gentoo.org only partially functional (web interface / cgit > down) > * euscan doesn't run on infra hardware > Fix: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=453886 > * libreoffice-bin isn't built on infra hardware > Fix: Remind infra to set up a build environment for that Fix: Maybe accept more volunteers into infra? It would be interesting to hear if/how recruiting of new infra members progresses, in relation to workload. [I don't buy the argument that the mail archives are unneeded, ever since I've tried assembling a council agenda and half the relevant e-mails were missing at gmane. AutoRepoman and irker are extremely useful and a direct help for all developers.] * Our main website is still stuck in the 90ies. Fix: migrate all remaining projects to the wiki, then set up something new as main page. Willing to help out with the first step (generating the wiki pages) if people are willing to accept help. * We need a bit more Public Relations. Feeling a bit annoyed right now that we still don't have a FOSDEM booth (maybe we should just occupy the ChromeOS one). Fix: Next year, start getting annoyed in time and annoy some fellow Europeans. :] [1] http://sources.gentoo.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/libusbhp/ChangeLog?hideattic=0&view=log -- Andreas K. Huettel Gentoo Linux developer (council, kde) dilfri...@gentoo.org http://www.akhuettel.de/