On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 9:24 PM, Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> wrote:
> Mike Gilbert posted on Sun, 16 Nov 2014 12:21:14 -0500 as excerpted:
>> At the same time, support for Python 3.2 will be removed from the
>> python-r1 family of eclasses. This version no longer receives regular
>> bug fixes, and is currently only receiving security updates.
> Problem: Gentooers are conditioned to consider -r1 a version indicator,
> making "python-r1" the closest back-reference to which "This version" can
> refer.  At least here that was rather confusing, because on first parse
> it looked as if python-r1 (the eclass family) is only getting security
> updates, in which case why is python 3.2 being removed from it?
> Solution: Make explicit that it's python 3.2 that is security-update only.
> One possible rewrite (which also changes the order quite a bit and with
> it the emphasis, don't know if that's desired but it appears to do the
> job from here):
> Python 3.2, now security-update-only as it's nearing end-of-life, will be
> dropped from the python-r1 family of eclasses at the same time.

It would be easier to just restate "Python 3.2" as the subject of the
second sentence.

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