> The newest member of Gentoo can have more power to direct the course
> of the distro than every oldtimer or council member there is, if they
> just contribute more than them.

> If the maintainer of package A or provider of service B is a pain to
> work with, all it takes is for somebody else who is easier to work
> with to maintain package A or provide service B.

Rich, I fully agree with the overall sentiment of the rest of your e-mail, but 
I think above statements are just not true. For both appropriate and 
inappropriate reasons. 

On one hand, if you are new to the project, nobody knows (and trusts) you yet. 
So, it's definitely not the best idea to immediately propose big plans to 
reform everything. You talk to people, show that you can handle things, earn 
trust, and one day some time later noone will complain if you alone properly 
and carefully handle restructuring the profile tree.

On the other hand, except for peaceful and cooperative places (kde team comes 
to my mind since that's where I "grew up" as a Gentoo dev, but I'm sure there 
are more examples), if as a newbie you pick the wrong things to work on you 
might as well immediately retire again- you'll get blocked out by 
territoriality. If you try to push things, well there's always someone who has 
the idea to invoke QA or comrel. ["Let's retire him, (he might be making sense 
but) he's making way too much noise." Luckily, that usually just does't 

This has become much better in the recent past, but it's not ideal yet.

I would be very glad if all our technical geniuses working deep on the insides 
of Gentoo were to adopt new devs and teach them the intricacies. I would also 
be very glad if all our technical geniuses were to participate in IRC and 
mailing list discussions, so we can learn from them and understand why they do 
things. Yes I know it is occasionally a waste of time and I can well 
understand that after X years in Gentoo your enthusiasm for it disappears. No, 
that does not make it unnecessary.

Yes, in my opinion we are scaring off people.
No, adapting to all misbehaviour of current contributors is not an option.
Noone is irreplaceable.


Andreas K. Huettel
Gentoo Linux developer 

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