I've got two obsolete packages masked currently: app-text/unix2dos and app-doc/djbdns-man. Both of them block other stable packages, app-text/dos2unix and net-dns/djbdns respectively.
Fortunately, both of them have had version/revision bumps since the blocker so we can remove the blocker from the newer ebuild and then stabilize that, at which point there's no problem. But I wonder, what would be the best way to handle the situation if no version/revision bump had occurred? In other words, suppose that net-dns/djbdns-1.05-r30 didn't exist. In -r29, I have, KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 hppa ~mips ppc ppc64 sparc x86" DEPEND="!app-doc/djbdns-man" and app-doc/djbdns-man is now hard masked. Suppose I remove djbdns-man from the tree -- what do I do about the blocker? I see a couple of options: a) Edit the stable ebuild with ones fingers crossed b) Do a revbump and wait it out c) Do a revbump and file a stablereq immediately d) Do nothing, will repoman tolerate that? (b) is obviously safest, but (c) seems reasonable as well all things considered. Will the answer change when portage drops dynamic deps?