Hello all,

I cannot keep up with my duties as a maintainer of my packages anymore
(listed below). My development machine died and I ended up installing
Debian on it. Gentoo was (and still is) a very good development platform
but I do not have the time to maintain a Gentoo install in my desktop
anymore, much less maintaining Gentoo packages.

I still use Gentoo for a few embedded projects I have, I'm building the
embedded images using Gentoo in a chroot, fuck buildroot, crossdev
+portage is the way to go.

While it is certain I cannot keep up with maintain packages anymore, I
also need to rethink my role in the embedded team. I'm going to see this
with them.

Thank you,
- Angelo Arrifano

* gpe-*
We should probably talk about removal of the gpe category. GPE made
sense when Linux in cellphones was still on its infancy. Nowadays I
doubt anymore is using it anymore.

* games-simulation/corsix-th
development is active in upstream, has quite a few Gentoo users.

* dev-embedded/arduino
does not need introduction

* dev-lang/logtalk
upstream is active, the version in portage is old and there haven't been
any bug reports from users. I wonder if anyone is using it.

* media-sound/gnaural
upstream is somewhat active but their last version is old. it works
though, no bug reports

* sci-misc/mendeleydesktop
very active upstream, you get a new version nearly every month. big user
base at gentoo

* media-plugins/gst-plugins-jack
the version in portage is old

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