On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 02:46:43PM -0400, Anthony G. Basile wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> This is a ppc/ppc64 issues, but I'm sending this to gentoo-dev@ because 
> it seems to me that those herds are pretty scattered right:
> 1) The issue came up about restructuring the arch/powerpc profiles. 
> There we have some ancient stuff like ppc64/32ul.  I don't know why 
> that's needed and it doesn't make much sense wrt the new direction 
> multilib is going.  I'd like to clean up those profiles.  Any objections 
> to removing ppc64/32ul, coalescing ppc64/64ul into just ppc64 and making 
> whatever other tweaks are needed?
> 2) Can we try to get the ppc/ppc64 herds communicating more.  I don't 
> believe every team needs a lead but at least have a point of reference 
> so we can communicate.
What is the status of this? I've been away for a few months but am back
now. Do you need help with this?

Jack Morgan
Pub 4096R/761D8E0A 2010-09-13 Jack Morgan <jmor...@gentoo.org>>
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