Welcome back! :)

On 07/14/2014 04:26 AM, Justin (jlec) wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> we have an returning oldtimer here, Thomas Gall aka. tgall. His original
> bug has been opened in 2003, so he knows gentoo from the early days.
> He is joining the arm team now and will stabilize mostly for arm64,
> where he already started to work with a rate of > 10 pkgs/day. Happy
> days for arm users!
> Some biographic notes from himself:
> Reenactor of War of 1812, Napoleonic French and US Civil War eras. Long
> time software engineer currently working for Linaro as the acting
> director of the Linaro Mobile Group. Former and now returned Gentoo dev
> interested now days in arm and arm64. Former Mayor of Mantorville. Dad,
> husband and general jack of all trades.
> Please join me in welcoming him back!
> Justin

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