On 06/17/2014 04:24 AM, hasufell wrote:

>> What about those of us who have been using crossdev to generate
>> cross-compilers for years w/o issue, because we run non-multilib?
>> Hardmasking crossdev to solve multilib problems doesn't accomplish anything,
>> other than just irk us.  Why not hardmask the multilib stuff instead and
>> leave crossdev alone?
> Hardmask half of the tree instead of a single package? Does not sound
> reasonable. The fallout will be _huge_ for users who already run
> multilib. You will basically get an emerge dump of 500+ blockers.

That's not a bug ;)

Since I can't figure out how any of these multibuilds work (that's no
longer an ebuild ...) I'm not opposed to have them removed from my

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