Hi all, LXQt 0.7.0 has been released [1].
As it is project different from LXDE and will be supported in parallel with it, it seems like a good idea add a new category lxqt-base. For previous discussion see [2] and [3]. The packages that will go into this category are: compton-conf libqtxdg lxqt-about lxqt-config-randr lxqt-notificationd lxqt-power lxqt-session qt-gtk-engine libfm libsysstat lxqt-appswitcher lxqt-globalkeys lxqt-openssh-askpass lxqt-powermanagement liblxqt lximage-qt lxqt-common lxqt-lightdm-greeter lxqt-panel lxqt-qtplugin obconf-qt liblxqt-mount lxqt-config lxqt-meta lxqt-policykit lxqt-runner pcmanfm-qt If there are no objections I'll proceed with adding new category when ebuilds for 0.7.0 release will be ready (~ in week or two). [1] http://sourceforge.net/p/lxde/mailman/message/32310545/ [2] https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=501606 [3] https://github.com/gentoo/qt/pull/26 Regards, Jauhien
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