
Three quick patches for review:

1. adds multilib_get_enabled_abi_pairs() as a replacement for
multilib_get_enabled_abis(). The latter returned just the value
of ${ABI}, the new function returns ${use_flag}:${ABI} pairs.


  multilib_get_enabled_abis: x86 amd64
  multilib_get_enabled_abi_pairs: abi_x86_32:x86 abi_x86_64:amd64

2. adds ${MULTILIB_ABI} variable to foreach loops that contains the flag
matching currently iterated ABI.


  ${ABI} == amd64
  ${MULTILIB_ABI} == abi_x86_64

3. deprecates multilib_for_best_abi() since having two separate
concepts of 'best ABI' and 'default ABI' is confusing, and mostly
doesn't serve any real purpose.

For improved consistency, we would like people to use multilib-minimal
and multilib_is_native_abi() tests if necessary.

I will submit the patches in replies to this mail.

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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