On 14-03-24 10:25 AM, Jeroen Roovers wrote:
On Mon, 24 Mar 2014 12:36:19 +0100
Jan Matejka <y...@gentoo.org> wrote:

Categories are essentially tags, only less powerful as they can
express relationship of 1:N while tags are can express M:N
No, categories are essentially directories.

I was asking about tags, not about categories.

It appears it's very hard to answer the simple questions of why we need
tags and how we would use them. The answers should typically involve
some explanation of how you're going to use the things once you have


A lot of people already replied to this question: package search.

A trivial example, a user want to know all terminals available in portage. Of course he could try a `emerge --searchdesc terminal`, but then he would get anything mentioning terminal in the description: which would probably include a lot of "terminal applications" which are not terminals themselves...

`emerge --search terminal` just doesn't cut it as "konsole" wouldn't be a result but is a terminal emulator...

On the other hand, terminals are spread through many categories (gnome-terminal in gnome-base & konsole in kde-base to name the most obvious example).

Thus tags are a nice way for user to find the applications they want.


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