Dnia 2014-02-24, o godz. 22:14:04
Peter Stuge <pe...@stuge.se> napisał(a):

> > > I would prefer if I needed to allow such mode upgrades explicitly.  
> > 
> > That sounds like a lot ebuilds failing, requesting you to explicitly
> > change the mode.  
> I think that's OK. If I've set a mode then I prefer failures over an
> eclass automagically modifying my setting.

I now hit an issue that I can't think of a way to handle through
explicit failures.

Submodules need to be fetched via commit hash rather than a ref. Due to
that, we need to fetch them in 'single' mode at least.

Now, it is perfectly fine to clone the top repository with submodules
in shallow mode. However, the submodules need to be cloned in 'single'
mode. With explicit failure, we are forcing the user to switch modes
for both repositories. Implicit fallback would make things worse.

Any idea?

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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