On 02/24/2014 12:17 PM, Mike Gilbert wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 11:43 AM, Ian Stakenvicius <a...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> On 24/02/14 10:55 AM, Mike Gilbert wrote:
>>> On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 7:58 AM, Thomas D. <whi...@whissi.de>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> not everyone is using systemd. On my systems for example, I don't
>>>> have "/lib/systemd/" (INSTALL_MASK).
>>>> The current news item draft raises question like "When the
>>>> 'actual configuration' is in
>>>> /lib/systemd/network/99-default.link... what will happen to
>>>> people without systemd (and a INSTALL_MASK set)?"
>>>> Would be nice if the news item and Wiki could handle upgrade path
>>>> for systemd *and* non-systemd users...
>>> You need to remove /lib/systemd/ from INSTALL_MASK. If you don't
>>> want unit files, mask /lib/systemd/system/ instead.
>> ..it'd be worth adding this little tidbit to the news item, probably...
> Yeah. I poked around on the wiki a bit to try and find any reference
> to INSTALL_MASK and systemd, but didn't find anything.

Minor note, also not using systemd (or udev, for that matter), but out of
curiosity, I checked my x86_64 system and I don't have a /lib/systemd
directory.  Looks like everything is in /usr/lib/systemd instead.  So, this
might be a good item to document somewhere (possibly the wiki), so people
aren't confused and add the wrong directories to INSTALL_MASK (or other
relevant variables)

Joshua Kinard
4096R/D25D95E3 2011-03-28

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