>>>>> On Mon, 20 Jan 2014, Mike Frysinger wrote:

> i finally got annoyed with the perl version (and its output and bugs
> and limitations) and wrote a new version. it's fairly modular (and
> has pretty good unittest coverage!?), so if we wanted to look at
> integrating it into portage or other tools, that should be pretty
> easy now.

> at any rate, if other devs who use this want to give it a crack,
> that'd be great. iron out bugs before the next release.
> http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/gentoolkit.git;a=blob_plain;f=src/ekeyword/ekeyword.py;hb=gentoolkit-dev

Sorting order is different from the present ekeyword. The part after
the hyphen (or the empty string if there is no hyphen) should be used
as primary key and the part before the hyphen as secondary key.
That is, keyword ordering should be:

   amd64 x86 amd64-fbsd x86-fbsd amd64-linux x86-linux ppc-macos

You currently have:

   amd64 x86 amd64-fbsd amd64-linux ppc-macos x86-fbsd x86-linux


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