Alice Ferrazzi posted on Wed, 25 Dec 2013 15:38:42 +0900 as excerpted:

> On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 2:19 AM, Michael Orlitzky <>
> wrote:
>> rc-update del vixie-cron default
>> /etc/init.d/vixie-cron stop
>> emerge -C vixie-cron
>> emerge cronie
>> rc-update add cronie default
>> /etc/init.d/cronie start
> I Just did the same, is simple and "drop-in"

I did it too, a few days ago.

TL;DR: Drop-in but for the log-spamming. =:^(

While cronie itself was simple and drop-in for vixie-cron, it DID start 
rather severely log-spamming, IIRC four log-lines every 10 minutes when 
the run-crons ran.  As a result, while the functionality was drop-in 
replacement, for the system as a whole it wasn't purely a drop-in 
replacement, as I had to adjust logging somewhat to kill the spamming.

An update tweak to my syslog-ng.conf category-cron filter later, and I 
was down to a single log entry in the general messages log every ten 
minutes, the other three diverted to my separate cron log.

The  remaining one was an audit entry (type=1006) output by the kernel.  
Of course I could filter that out or divert it to the cron log too, but 
first I needed to know the significance.  After all, it's not often I get 
the kernel outputting audit entries.

A bit of googling later, I found that the type 1006 audit entries I was 
getting were AUDIT_LOGIN related, due to the way cron changes user to run 
its various programmed entries.  Of course one can turn off the kernel's 
corresponding audit options, but that affects other things too.  
Meanwhile, the google turned up some RHEL/Fedora complaints about 
something similar.  Apparently in this case the kernel defaults to log-
spamming even if audit logging is generally deactivated.  I could try 
installing an audit tool and configure it to turn that off specifically, 
but meh, just set a syslog filter for it; the effect is the same either 

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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