Il 13/11/2013 20:12, Rich Freeman ha scritto:
> On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 1:58 PM, Francesco R. <> wrote:
>> long story short
>> having a  portage-20130126.tar.bz2 snapshot (before the EAPI 5 switch)
>> greatly simplified the upgrade of an old server on a client.
>> Why not keep a copy on the servers? I mean
> Going back in time with portage is the easy part - it is in CVS.
> The real problem is all the distfiles themselves, especially things
> like out-of-tree patch tarballs hosted by devs.
> Rich
Rich, that made me smile, none of my remote machine has cvs since a
_very_ long time say 2006.
We are speaking of box that have troubles to emerging anything new, plus
me and most of the internet barely remember cvs up  :)

I do highly appreciate the suggestion to keep a @system distfiles
snapshot (once a year + portage snapshot would be a bone), but that it's
not strictly needed, just a 40MB bzipped files on a public directory and
maybe some change to the cron that wipe old files.

Francesco R.

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