yac posted on Mon, 04 Nov 2013 11:26:32 +0100 as excerpted:

> Sooo, basicly you have defined buttload of aliases, somehow managed to
> remember these nonsensical names and actually did not save any
> keystrokes, because most linux users heard of tab completion and use it
> succesfuly to complete commands and their arguments. Cool story bro.

Such "nonsense" puts me in good company, given "nonsense" such as "mv" 
"cp" and "rm", in the best Unix tradition!  So thanks for the compliment! 

Just as beginner Unix admins /think/ "move" when they type mv, until mv 
becomes its own concept and thinking "move" is the long way around, I 
/thought/ "emerge ask world" when I typed eaw, until familiarity made eaw 
the normal concept, and "emerge --ask (-NuDv) @world" became the long way 
around I seldom gave much thought to any longer.

As for tab-completion, it only takes a bit of shell-script to add the tab-
completion already available for emerge, to my ea*/ep* variants as well, 
and they're tab-completed with (other) options and package names exactly  
as if I had typed/completed out the longer form.  Drop that in the same 
autocomplete location and I'm good to go! =:^)

Nobody says you have to use it, and I was in fact arguing that everybody 
develops their own such shortcuts over time.  My solution's not for 
everybody and apparently not for you, but that's fine, because it's 
uniquely custom designed for me! =:^)  But what makes Unix/Linux/Gentoo 
great is that this same level of unique custom design is available and 
exposed to everyone, for their own use as they see fit. =:^)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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