On 10:43 Sat 19 Oct     , Daniel Campbell wrote:
> On 10/19/2013 10:32 AM, Pacho Ramos wrote:
> > x11-wm/fluxbox
> I'm not a developer (but have a completed dev test that doesn't know
> where to go...). I'm interested in nabbing x11-wm/fluxbox (and any
> related projects that are still alive). I use Fluxbox daily and keep an
> eye on upstream. It'd be nice to be able to contribute something
> worthwhile to Gentoo, even if it's just one package (for now).

I'll add myself to fluxbox and probably everything related to fluxbox
but as u know I'm not so active nowadays so anyone who is willing,
should add him/herself too.

@Daniel, you can help by proxy-maintaining fluxbox or if you want to
become a gentoo developer I can mentor you if you don't find someone
else in your timezone.

By the way, are you sure, guys, you want to remove the desktop-wm herd at

Panagiotis Christopoulos ( pchrist )
    ( Gentoo Lisp Project )

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