Mike Auty posted on Wed, 16 Oct 2013 10:15:10 +0100 as excerpted:

> First off, thanks everybody for the suggestions.  It seems like people
> aren't keen to mirror the large tables on our mirrors, but no one's
> mentioned a reason for not doing so.  Is there an infra reason behind
> that or did everyone just take my caution and run with it?

Based on previous related discussion, it's simply a reluctance to throw 
that much extra resource requirements at the folks who are after all 
/volunteering/ to host gentoo mirrors.  We're invited guests whose 
continued presence is at their pleasure, and we shouldn't be taking undue 
advantage of the privileges we're given or the resources required to 
support us as such.

If it's a core requirement, no problem.  But the further from core 
requirement it gets the more sensitive infra seems to be about non-
trivial space requirements, and any way you look at it, 30 gigs of 
rainbow tables are both non-core and non-trivial, especially with the 
split package and no-mirror on the big package solution, so...

Beyond that, I suppose it'd be a topic for the mirror list.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
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